I was contacted by a gentleman from the props dept of a movie company.
They asked if I could make two cap/ball pouches for the bounty hunter
in there production. He would be carrying a Colt second model Dragoon.
They didn’t want them to look like the normal military pouches of the
day. They wanted something different and they need them in two weeks. So
I made up one using the size from a original that one didn’t pass. So I
came up with this one. That’s what they wanted! So I made one in dark
brown and one in black.
They are now heading to Savannah GA.
Leather Shot Bags & Accouterments for the French & Indian War.
Welcome to my Blog! My name is Darrel Lang and I specialize in the Replication of Leather shot bags & Accouterments made in the colonies by the harness and saddle maker of the18th century. All items are hand sewn using waxed linen thread, dyed, then treated with neatsfoot oil & bee’s wax. The leather used is of veg. tanned cow hide 2-3 or 4-5 oz. weight. Other materials used are pig skin, period correct linens for the 18th century and iron or brass buckles. Please take a look at what I have to offer. Thank you!