

The wife and I

2020 Spring Turkey Season

2019 Deer Season

Native Captive,
2015 Deer Season
A Ranger from Fort Detroit & French inhabitants
The wife & I
Spring Turkey 2014
Mark Baker & Lt. Lang,  2014

Outdoor Writer & Good Friend, Dennis Neely
Good Friends, just passing time,  2014

Sgt. Cummings,  2012
Capt, Wulff,  2011

Lt. Lang,  2013

 Fire team, 2012
Pricketts Fort,  2014

On a scout, 2012
Capt. Tom & Barry, 2013
Youngest son, Eric, 2008
Fire! Bushy Run,  2013

Native Allies, 2012
Early fall hunt, 2010

My second bear
Blockhouse, 2004
Eldest son Brian & I,  2004