
December 24, 2023

 Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year!

Please be safe in your holiday travels this season!

December 9, 2023

Sheaths for the Late 1800

 I was asked by a customer to make up sheaths for a plain old butcher knife and another for a old well used belt axe. This is what I came up with. The axe sheath is made to wear on a belt also.

A Gift for a Grandson

 I was asked by Simeon England a well known ax & knife maker to make up a sheath for a very special knife that he was commissioned to make by artist David Wright for his grandson’s birthday. I was honored to take on such a task. This is the sheath that I came up with.

2023 Deer Season


A nice ten point taken at 11:30 on November 19th. I grunted and rattled him in at 15 yards.
The round ball after removal from the opposite shoulder. The ball went through both shoulders and lodged under the hide on the opposite side.