
April 29, 2014

Covered Canteen

When we take the battle field we are required to have water with us so instead of carrying a large size military canteen we carry these smaller ones. They are only a pint in size and work great for a hour or so on the field or a day in the woods.
 I made up this cover for one of Goose Bay Workshops small tin lined copper canteens.
There are no lugs on the side of this small canteen so there is no way to attach a shoulder strap, so I made up a case out of wool that the canteen just slips down inside. The cover is all hand stitched and the strap is hand braided.

April 24, 2014

Finished order

These two axes where sent to me so that I could make up the sheaths for them. The first is a small ax and the second is a very large style poll ax.
The customer asked if I could make up the larger one to fit others that he had at home. So not knowing what the others looked like I try not to make this one not as form fitting, hoping that it will fit some of the others. Both sets have adjustable shoulder straps with iron buckles.


April 16, 2014

Finished Shot Bag #23

 This bag was a custom bag. He asked for the heart shaped bag with the tooling done to the flap and a inside pocket that is divided in half, the woven strap was sent to me to be use with the bag.
The bag size is 7"w x 9"d

April 7, 2014

Weekend at Pricketts Fort

I spent this past weekend at Pricketts Fort for the 2014 School of the Longhunter, where I enjoyed listen to presentations given by Matt Wulff, Michael Galban, Mark Hersee, Suzanne Larner, and others and also Mark Baker. They all did a great job, and I came away with some great info on the 18th century.
I met Mark Baker this past August at he CLA show but only briefly due to the large amount of people there to see him. This weekend I got to camp and spend time around the fire with him and Ehrin Ehlert, and Steve Gengelbach all a great bunch of woodsmen.
Here is a photo of the officers of "Wullf's Company of Rangers" and friend. From right to left Lt. Lang, Capt Wulff, Sgt. Cummings, and Steve Davies