
December 25, 2013

Christmas from the Past!

The year is 1965 and it is Christmas Day and I received this for Christmas. My Fort Apache by Marx, I was one happy kid!
Believe it or not but I played with this toy alot and sorry to say when other kids came around this toy was put up, I had other toys they could play with.
  Today 47 years later the wife and I are spending Christmas day alone, the family wont be coming until Saturday so I decided to dig out my old fort and be one happy kid again.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

My wife said nothing changed, I still play cowboys and Indians, just the toys got bigger and cost more.
Oh well what can I say, still a kid at heart.

Merry Christmas!

December 22, 2013

Happy Holidays

     A Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

December 1, 2013

Just in time for Christmas

 Another finished belt bag! 

And yet another!