
June 28, 2013

Another one Done

Another project completed, on to the next!

June 24, 2013

Good News, Today

Today,  My son Eric and I both received our permits to try and hunt Michigan black bear. This will be Eric's first time and my fourth, I have been lucky enough to have taken two bears from the three previous hunts. Eric is not sure as of yet, if he will use a flintlock or a modern firearm. I on the other hand will again hunt in period clothing and use my fowler.
The first was taken with a 58 cal. English fowler.

  The second was taken with a 75 cal Brown Bess.
We will be hunting in Michigan's upper peninsula in Iron co. Our family's will be heading up the first week of October, our bow season for deer is also open, Eric will try his luck in  taking a deer also.   

June 1, 2013

Another season comes to an end

Yesterday was the last day of our spring turkey season. I had only been out one other time this season and came close but, was out smarted and went home empty handed. The weather for Friday didn't look good we have had some heavy down pours along with thunder storms the past few days and Friday wasn't looking much better. So with it being the last day I took a chance, I was up early and in the woods, I picked a spot in hoping to ambush them as they made there way to the upper fields. The weather was beautiful low 70's with a light breeze, it couldn't be any better. Then the wood ticks showed up. I must have killed two dozen of them. After two hours of sitting and not seeing or hearing any birds I decided to move. The next spot wasn't any better, more ticks and now mosquitoes so I decided to just walk the woods calling every now and then and just enjoy my time out.

I had a good time, even though I never saw a turkey. The deer where out and about crossing the meadow. I watched a doe feeding along the edge of the pond and then she found
a spot to lie down for the afternoon. Then there where the deer I didn't see but they let me know they were there, by blowing at me. I then ran into a mother Raccoon laying out on a branch relaxing in the shade. When asked if she had seen any Tom turkeys, she just looked at me and got up and went in side the hole on the other side of the tree. She wasn't very sociable. The sky was starting to show signs of rain so I headed back to the car.

For me it's not being successful at the hunt but the time spent out in the woods and trying to experience what it might have been like hunting in the 18th century.