April 26, 2013
Simple Shot Bag #16
This is the second bag like this that I have made for Capt. Wulff. The two bags are pretty much the same, simple in construction, they are both 8" wide by 7" deep. Made from one piece of 3/4 oz. veg. tanned leather, folded to size and sewn with waxed linen thread with a outside seam. The difference between the two is the first was made with a full inside pocket also acting as the welt, the second ( shown in photos) is made with a full width pocket made only 4 1/2" deep and sewn down the middle splitting the pocket in half. He intend to carry lose ball on one side and buckshot on the other. The strap is 1 1/4" wide tapering down to fit a 1" iron buckle. The leather is dyed a dark brown and treated with neets-foot oil and bee's wax. Brass button closer.