
January 18, 2013

Basket's "Plain & Simple"

Here is another talent that my wife has, the weaving of  basket's. The style of basket's that she makes are styles that were made in colonial time and used in everyday tasks around the homestead. They are all hand made and dyed with home made walnut stain.
The baskets' pictured are, two large Melon-shaped egg basket, two large market baskets, service basket,berry or apple basket, and three types of gathering baskets. 

Egg & berry baskets
 melon- shaped egg basket, English style
Gathering baskets
Large market basket made by my wife some twenty years ago, is well used and has held up quite well.

New Fowler Bag #14

I just finished up this bag for a friend of mine who just received his new Hudson Valley Fowler.
  The bag is Kidney shape, (7"w x 6"d) made of veg, tanned leather, hand sewn. There are no inside pockets the back side of the flap is lined with a coarse linen and the edge has been wiped stitched so there is no fraying. A knife and sheath was added to the back of the bag.

January 10, 2013

Starting out the New Year!

 I would like to start out the New Year by showing some of my wife's
talent. My friend Jim gave me a used ladder back chair, the seat need to be replaced. This was a challenge that my wife was up for. She went on-line and researched how to redo the rush seating on the chair. After reviewing a few You-tube videos she was ready. First she needed the rush, which luck would have it, she found two large boxes of paper rush at an estate sale for $4.00
So one afternoon during the Holidays with I-pad in hand she went to work and after five hours this was the finished product. She did a great job! Now part of the deal was I was given the chair in exchange that she also redo Jim's chair. 

The foot stool in this photo Gail also redone, she picked it up at the same estate sale.